How to configure Getting Time from NTP Server on TP-Link

How to Install OpenVPN client + server on a DD-WRT router Sep 27, 2017 DD-WRT - Connect with SSH - Steven B. Jan 08, 2014 Connect Your DD-WRT Router To LiquidVPN | We Spy on You

Dec 08, 2016

WZR-HP-G300NH Router: Set DD-WRT to Use Local Time Jun 24, 2010 DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - no NTP in Repeater Bridge mode Dec 08, 2016

In most cases it's best to use to find an NTP server (or,, etc if you need multiple server names). The system will try finding the closest available servers for you. If you distribute software or equipment that uses NTP, please see our information for vendors.

For users interested in DD-WRT but afraid of flashing a router due to concerns about warranty and bricking, FlashRouters offers pre-flashed routers with recent, stable DD-WRT releases for purchase . Introduction. Many of the website's visitors want to find out if a specific router is supported and which files they need to download to install dd DD-WRT » Other Downloads Latest DD-WRT Releases. To obtain the matching version for your router please use the Router Database: » Router Database OpenWrt Project: NTP client / NTP server NTP (Network Time Protocol) is used to keep computer clocks accurate by synchronizing them over the Internet or a local network, or by following an accurate hardware receiver that interprets GPS, DCF-77, NIST or similar time signals.. This package contains the NTP daemon and utility programs. An NTP daemon needs to be running on each host that is to have its clock accuracy controlled by NTP.