Ping to other PCs but not the router - TechSpot Forums

Can't ping my printer - Microsoft Community Oct 07, 2014 Configure Inter VLAN Routing in Cisco Router Oct 10, 2015 Juniper Sim Lab Exercise : Ping Test user@R1> ping user@R1> Note:.1 on router 1 S0 refers to 192.1168.1.1. Similarly other IP addresses to be interpreted. GUI Based : Instructions: 1. Select device R1 from Select device drop down box 2. Click configure button to enable left navigation pane 3. Can't connect to in browser(s) Solved

ping PPPoE local virtual-access interfa - Cisco Community

networking - ping response "Request timed out." vs To check if there is no route on the local host to the remote, ping the remote client ping , and then check ARP entry arp on the local host if it got resolved. If it is incomplete for the remote-host-ip, then it means the ping ICMP packet never left the local host machine, the local machine doesn't know where to send the packet

IP NAT inside source vs IP NAT outside source

Oct 05, 2019 · It is a private IP Address and can be accessed through a single device only at a time to avoid any conflict between the devices. Unlike Public IP Address, which is the same for different devices connected to the same network, Private IP Addresses such as cannot be same on different devices. On that PC, I can successfully ping all other computers but not the router. I do "pin" and got "timed out". I can transfer files among the "bad" and "good" computers, but the bad user@R1> ping user@R1> Note:.1 on router 1 S0 refers to 192.1168.1.1. Similarly other IP addresses to be interpreted. GUI Based : Instructions: 1. Select device R1 from Select device drop down box 2. Click configure button to enable left navigation pane 3.