If dnsping shows significant levels of unanswered queries (and especially if ping and traceroute do not show any drops), you should check whether your IP address is generating more than 100 queries per second (the default per-IP address QPS limit for Google Public DNS).

Jul 07, 2016 DNS de Google - Pourquoi et comment les utiliser Pourquoi utiliser les DNS de Google ? Google possède des serveurs DNS qui sont mis à jour rapidement et qui ne souffrent pas de censure. A contrario, cela donne à Google un contrôle de plus Google IP - IP Address Info Google IP search start page with clipboard copy function and privacy check. Geolocation: - Google Maps (No DNS record) IP Google DDNS Updater To use dynamic DNS with Google Domains you set up a Dynamic DNS synthetic record. This synthetic record: Sets up an A record for your domain or subdomain that lets the Google name servers know to expect a dynamic IP. Generates a username and password your host or server will use to communicate the new IP address to the Google name servers.

ability to reach Google Public DNS servers over IPv6. We will be soon publishing detailed information related to the use and configuration of Google Public DNS over IPv6. In the meantime, systems with IPv6 support can use Google Public DNS over IPv6 by changing the system DNS server settings to use one or both of the following Google Public DNS

Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses - Google Groups

How to Change Your Default DNS to Google DNS for Fast

Dec 04, 2009 The IP Addresses Used by Google - Lifewire Apr 10, 2020